佛教在线海外讯 据《colombopage》报道,2009年8月28日,在斯里兰卡总统府举行的一场仪式中,斯里兰卡Kirama Wimalajothi 法师将47部巴利语佛教经典的锡兰语译本呈交给了斯里兰卡总统马欣达·拉贾帕克萨。
据悉,这些佛教经典最初是用梵文书写而成的,在阿努拉德普勒王国时期被翻译成了巴利语。后在它们处于消亡的危险时,斯里兰卡Kirama Wimalajothi 法师的布置任务,将这些佛教经典译为锡兰语。
Aug 30, Colombo: Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi Thero presented 47 volumes of Sinhala translations of Pali Scriptures to the President Mahinda Rajapaksa at Temple Trees on August 28th.
Following an ancient tradition of handing over Buddhist scriptures and books to the ruler of the land by the Buddhist clergy, the Venerable Thero handed over the translated volumes to the present day ruler, President Rajapaksa in a ceremony on Friday.
The Scriptures written originally in Sanskrit and then translated into Pali during the Anuradhapura Kingdom were in danger of losing and Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi was assigned the task of translating the volumes in to Sinhala.
As a gratitude to the immense task performed by the Venerable Thero, the President donated one million rupees from the Presidential Fund to the Maha Sangha for further development of Buddhist literature.